
Showing posts from August, 2017


The ban of plastic bag in the name of conserving the environment has popped so many questions in the minds of many kenyans. A good number has been left wondering how some commodities will be wrapped. Mostly foodstuffs.  Mandazis, chipo mwitu, githeri and miraa are just but a few of the foodstuffs that will, or maybe 'lack home' after August 28th. Or so to say. But what we actually forgot is that the whole enchilada is being done for our own benefit. Who wouldn't want to live in a 'healthy' environment?  Who? The speed of how kenyans really react to matters positively is what interests me the most. From the spellbinding photoshoped reactions towards the githeri man to chilobae (Ezra Chiloba) with the 'form tharry four bae' (34B) to now the ban of plastic bags, to mention but a few. Here are some of the crazy reactions towards the ban of plastic bags that I stumbled upon on social media:


I can't deny I miss you I can't hide my face And at the same time Hide my butt So I admit that I miss you And assume you also do But we only miss one thing  But we only forgot to miss one thing We miss proof And forgot to miss the evidence  Everytime my wits struggle to hold you Since my hands can't reach you  My head is heavy Due to the weight of your thoughts  I can't walk out of my heart For that's where you are My whole body is frozen Due to the cold I experience when you are gone I miss you I miss your summer tone The hot figure The hot beauty The hot you.  You bring summer in winter I miss you Come back please I miss you. 


The day had been hectic. Started with a controversial meeting, then promotions of colleagues at work (of which I stuck in my old tiresome position). Atleast the day was finally drowning. I fished out my oppo phone which i had just bought the other day, then the same night I sat on it unknowingly,  now the screen is like a spider's web.  I struggled to look at the screen. There were 8 unreal messages and 5 missed calls,  all from one person, my comptroller. I called back.  "what time are you coming from work? " that was her greetings. I sighed, then answered, "later in the hours." "okay"  "why?" I asked, but there was no reply. Only the hung up tone.  I got into my Allion then drove off to my hacienda. When i got into my compound,  I spotted a red x-trail, which resembled my "mpango wa kando's" ride. "what can she be doing here? " I wondered.  I opened  the door to my mansion tardily then tip-toed inside like a